Justin at 7.5 months

Justin at 7.5 months
his first pontoon boat ride

Austin at 1 year

Austin at 1 year
when dandelion seeds are still cute

Thursday, July 31, 2008

Proverbs 1:31--study among sisters in Christ


Give God the glory! Tremble before His Word! Beg for His mercy!

wow! doesn't that just say it all? give God the glory (He will get it anyway), tremble before His word (if you aren't afraid you should be), beg for His mercy (you will be destroyed if you do not turn to Him and His son Jesus Christ).

dear heavenly Father, please help me remember each and every day to give You all the glory, tremble before Your word, and beg for Your mercy. i do not give You the glory you deserve and demand, i certainly do not take Your word seriously enough, and i always seem to be begging You for mercy and forgiveness. please protect my sisters in Christ as they walk with You. Amen

Wednesday, July 30, 2008

Proverbs 1:30--study among sisters in Christ


ladies, i really need your input. this isn't meant to make you feel guilty, just accountable. i know you are both busy and have heavy things going on in your lives. but, i feel the least qualified to be doing a study alone. i need you both, even if its a short note to say that you don't agree w/what i said, or to say what you got out of it. you don't need to write a book (as i sometimes do), just support me w/something. i respect both of you as sisters in Christ (and God knows you two are much more biblically smart than i). please, help a brother out (i mean a sister). stick with me in this, or i could slip out of the habit of doing it w/no one to keep me accountable. please? if you don't want to post on the blog, shoot me a quick e-mail. love you both! don't forget me :)

p.s. i know you both read the posts, of which i am glad. and i know you each read your verses and commentaries when you get time. i just need a teensy bit of response from you both so that i know we are keeping each other accountable.

dear heavenly Father, i beg You to help me understand Your truth and accept Your wisdom. i do not want to perish at the hands of evil. i want to glorify You in everything i do. please keep me humble this week. please give my sisters in Christ a tiny bit of time each day to help affirm each other. Amen

Tuesday, July 29, 2008

Proverbs 1:29--study among sisters in Christ


how many times a day do i give "lip service" instead of "acts of service" to God. how many times? how many times is He going to continue to let me do it w/o repercussion. what kind if repercussion am i currently facing? a disobedient child, a less than Christ-like marriage, barely living pay check to pay check. how many more times will He allow me to ignore Him?

dear heavenly Father, PLEASE don't allow me to ignore You ever again! please open my eyes and my ears and my heart to You. please help me to be humble tomorrow. please continue to comfort and lead my sisters in Christ in their daily lives as they walk with You. Amen

Monday, July 28, 2008

Proverbs 1:28--study among sisters in Christ


humble? not a word you will find in my dictionary, until now. being humble and being prideful don't go together. i need to be a lot more humble and a lot less prideful. this verse sounds a lot like the verse found somewhere else in the bible that says something like, "...and some said Lord Lord Lord, but didn't i evangelize for you? and I will say I never knew you." Lady wisdom calls, but so many never answer, and so many don't answer often enough.

dear Lord, please humble me tomorrow. please protect and guide my sisters in Christ. Amen

Sunday, July 27, 2008

Proverbs 1:27--study among sisters in Christ


for starters, there were a couple of comments on the commentary that struck me wrong. first, "It (wisdom) clearly grasps & does those things that please God & men." i think that statement should have ended at God. second, "Getting wisdom, to obtain the benefits (success and happiness), should be the most important goal in your life." i don't think that obtaining the benefits mentioned should be your number one goal, i think it should be to live a Godly sinless life to glorify Him. success and happiness would be secondary benefits.

fear, destruction, distress, and anguish........oh how i have lived all of those at one time or another, sometimes all at once. woe is me when i know that judgement awaits each time i take my eyes off of the cross! what a sinful sad-full failure i am each time i sin against my husband and prefer to feel hostile & angry and "right" and "vindicated" and "righteous" instead of broken and repentant and sorrowful and happy & content w/God as my perfect husband. what a mess. what a joke. what a life. what a sinner. what a miraculous God i have that is so full of grace to forgive me my trespasses and give me another day to glorify Him.

dear heavenly Father, please forgive me my trespasses against You and help me forgive others who have trespassed against me. help me see Your glory. help me hear Your wisdom & truth. help me.... again i ask that You comfort & keep my sisters in Christ. please help us help each other by being supportive through Your holy word. --it is true

Saturday, July 26, 2008

the t.v has got to go!

oh, i so can't believe i am saying that! neither can my sports loving video game playing husband! i have been thinking about it and praying about it and struggling with it for some time. i really REALLY like it. so much so sometimes that i neglect my housework, husband, children, and most importantly, GOD! i know that, for the most part, i could be doing something more productive. i use the excuse that i am to tired to do anything else, i am busy nursing, i can't sleep, i really love that show, etc. etc. etc. well, i think i may have hit my t.v. bottom.

i am disgusted in myself. this past week i have seen a few minutes here and there of a popular soap opera that i have watched since i was 10 (or younger). i am almost 38. i had gotten myself completely weened from them for sometime, but in crept nursing/tiredness/satan. anyway, all week the network was advertising a BIG shock on friday. well, i HAD to see! i DVR'd thursday and fridays episodes because i couldn't be home to watch them (i have probably only ever dvr'd less than 5 things, and none of them were soap's!). i spent about 1.5 hours friday evening trying to catch up. we (the kids and i) had been to the zoo and 2 grocery stores that day. the kids had their nap in the car. we had left the house early and didn't arrive home until late afternoon. my oldest, he's 2, had dry cheerios and raisins for breakfast in the car on the way to the zoo. (he had snacks at the zoo which included a lot of cantaloupe.) he had the same thing for lunch when we left the zoo. i bought a new kind of cracker puff at the grocery which was his dinner combined w/some grapes (because i was catching up on my dvr'd shows). all of this to say that in the last 30 seconds of the show is when "A" something happened. i was SO mad at myself for wasting all of that time when i had SO much to do (bake 3 cakes and make & bake a batch of granola and do a load of laundry, not to mention a ton of normal other things). i was mad at myself for letting myself get sucked back in! there will probably be a "better" "more shocking" episode monday, BUT, i won't know anything about it. i am sure i have hit my t.v. bottom of disgust. thank you soap opera for being so predictable, and thank you God for not being so predictable.

Proverbs 1:26--study among sisters i Christ


"Lord, what will You have me do?" it seems like such a generic question. You just tell me, and don't worry, i'll do it! riiiggght! because we love Him and serve Him to the inth degree! our hearts are programmed to bend over backwards! NOT! we are wired to reject Him, serve ourselves, and not even begin to understand the magnitude of that question. if we could imagine the magnitude, we would RUN the other way. i can only imagine what it would be like to have a transformation like Isaiah. that question would not be generic, but would be real, heart-felt, believed, lived and died by. wisdom granted by God. what more could you ask for?

Lord, i ask for Your wisdom, discernment, and the courage to ask that question with the hope that You will answer in all Your glory. please do the same for my beloved sisters in Christ.

Friday, July 25, 2008

give me a break!

i have to get a couple of things off of my mind. 1)a certain LARGE local church has been airing a message on the "family friendly" radio station i listen to this past week. it goes something like, "on 8/8/08 the world as you know it will change. the pastor has had a revelation from God, and you don't want to miss being a part of it. its supernatural. you and your family are meant to be blessed by God and be a blessing for God. you will find out where you have been and where God desires you to be." i have taken a lot of liberties, but you get the gist. i am going to start praying for that pastor. i am worried about what kind of judgment he is going to face for the flock he has been "leading." 2) on the "family friendly" station they air a movie rating, from 1-5 (1 being least and 5 being most), for family friendliness. its a joke. the movie previewer recently described a movie he saw as, "made you cringe in your seats gory, adult language and a lot of theological missteps...i give it a 1.5 for family friendliness." are you kidding me?! what part of that review was in the least bit family friendly? give me a break! i give him a 0.

Proverbs 1:25--study among sisters in Christ


wow! there were a few shots in that commentary: jimmy dobson and a purpose driven life to name a couple.

altho i am very aware of my sin, sinful nature, black heart, and unrepentant life, i would have to say that no one can live up to what is expected of them from God. this chapter in proverbs has been very telling and expelling and trying and agonizing. it tells of God's offer of wisdom, it tries to expel any thoughts you might have that you can gain wisdom on your own without Him opening your eyes to it, it tries to get you to see the error in your ways and the doom & despair that gladly await you as you trot down a sinful path, and it causes you to agonize over your sin-filled life and your unworthiness to have grace bestowed upon you. without God, we are nothing, and we will never be anything other than doomed. with God, we will be given wisdom to turn away from sin and sinners. oh what a Holy, Holy, Holy God i serve.

dear heavenly Father, please help me glorify You in everything that i do. please help me serve You better. please help me..... please continue to grant Your glorious wisdom to my sisters in Christ so that they too may serve You better. please give all 3 of us servants hearts. --it is true

Thursday, July 24, 2008

Proverbs 1:24--study among sisters in Christ


how have i used today? well, for starters, i forgot to tell my husband we were boycotting mcdonalds. so, on the way to his softball game, he picked up mcdonalds for the whole family. (don't tell corporate!) i planned to take the kids to the library for story time until i found out we had a check deposit problem at the bank i needed to go take care of. so while i was fixing our breakfast, i was a little rattled about the bank problem, so i neglected to pray at breakfast (which we do religiously, no pun intended). i CHOSE not to pray because i felt i was to distracted to say a prayer that i would pay attention to and mean. i felt guilty at the time. it wasn't until much later in the day, as i didn't pray at lunch (because i was helping a friend bake and trying to feed austin at the same time and grab a bite for myself at the same time), that i reflected on why i didn't pray in the morning and how i could have glorified Him and calmed my rattled nerves had i just chosen Him instead of not. obviously this is just a tincy example of the extraordinarily large sinner that i am. obviously my devoting this time every night to this study isn't enough. obviously He deserves more than 1% of my time. obviously i am a big fat sinner with a HUGE need for grace from the One and only that can give it!

dear Lord, its me, AGAIN! here i am, AGAIN, begging for your forgiveness. AGAIN asking You for another day to do a better job at glorifying You. please continue to be with my sisters in Christ as they both have a lot on their plates right now. i ask that You lead them and comfort them in a way that only You can. Amen

Wednesday, July 23, 2008

Proverbs 1:23--study among sisters in Christ


i think the commentary on this verse speaks to what karen was talking about in her e-mail on the last verse. i couldn't help but invision the pic karen & mom thought was so funny of Jesus knocking on a door waiting to be let in while he weeped. i know this commentary didn't mean it that way, but couldn't help the visual.

i wonder what i am waiting for? why am i waiting to turn, or at the very least turn more sharply....kinda like i do when i'm driving...but i digress. how many more times do i need my calamaties laughed at? how many more times do i need my fears mocked? how many more times.....

dear heavenly Father, i ask you to open my mind and heart to Your Truth & Wisdom. i do not want to continue down the same destructive paths. i want You to open my eyes, i want to hear Your reproof, i want to act on wisdom as You have taught it. please forgive my ever-sinning heart that chooses to turn away from You instead of towards You. please bless my sisters in Christ as they seek Your will for their lives. Amen

sad mcdonalds day

below is an e-mail i sent to mcdonalds regarding an article in World Net Daily. the world really is coming to an end! :)

i was very sorry to read in World Net Daily that your corporation is getting involved in gay rights issues. my family frequents your stores, on average, several times a week. we will not be doing so in the future unless you go back to focusing on food and family friendliness. i ate at one of your stores tonight on my way to church. my 2 year old loves to see the golden arches and ronald. trying to explain to him why we won't be going anymore will be interesting, but he will hear the truth. i am a former executive chef and i was once asked what my favoite food was, and i confidently and proudly answered, "mcdonalds fries and burgers!" you should be ashamed at what you have stepped in to.

Tuesday, July 22, 2008

Proverbs 1:22--study among sisters in Christ


matt decided he was a simple, scornful, fool. i'm glad i'm just simple (specifically the part about prefering that others do the studying), with a little dab of scornful and fool. better start praying now!

dear heavenly Father, please grant me the wisdom i need but do not deserve. Amen

Proverbs 1:21--study among sisters in Christ


what "noises" or "business" do i need to stop in order to listen for God's Truth? noises: my mouth running most of the time, the t.v., the radio, business: obsession w/money & bills, obsession with wanting others to be careful when i have cleaned (notice i didn't say obsession w/cleaning!), any activity that comes before or in place of God

dear Lord, i humbly ask You to make Yourself the number one noise and business in my life each and every day. please bless my sisters in Christ today, tonight, and tomorrow--if You so graciously grant us another. Amen

Sunday, July 20, 2008

Proverbs 1:20--study among sisters in Christ


i must need a hearing aid, or at the very least a hearing test. i almost never hear Lady Wisdom, and when i do it is usually to late. however, i hear her very well as she mocks at my calamities!

i really thought that in the past 3 weeks that we have been doing this (wow, i can't believe its been that long!) i was making some progress in my efforts to utilize some of my new found wisdom in my relationship w/my husband. i didn't verbalize that to him, but he made it very clear tonight that, apparently, i am still as deaf, dumb, and stupid as i always was. so, i need to be praying more, reading my bible more, listening for His truths better, and avoiding foolishness and sin. i would like to commit to memory/action that God is the perfect husband and He is making His perfect wife.

dear heavenly Father, here i am again, humbled again. i was thinking to often of how good i was doing when i didn't do something wrong, that i was missing the things i was doing wrong. again i ask for Your forgiveness and grace. again i ask that You help me 1st w/my relationship with You, and 2nd w/my relationship w/matt. i look forward to reaping the benefits: being a Godly mother, being a servant of the gospel, and glorifying You. Amen

Proverbs 1;1--study among sisters in Christ


i am convicted because what i read basically screamed "sinner!" i don't listen or look or search for Gods knowledge, and i let sin not just creep in but stampede in way to often.

Proverbs 1:3--study among sisters in Christ


this is what i have to say to that: i am not wise, i am glad God doesn't enact justice on me, i am not looking forward to His judgement (which will go something like this: "You chose to continually follow satan even when i opened your eyes. How wise was that? What type of justice do you deserve? Are you ready for your judgement? Should all others be treated the same as I am about to treat you?"), and i am glad he doesn't treat us all equally here on earth.

oh my dear dear Heavenly Father, how i have failed You today in so many ways i can't even count them. why do i chose satan over you repeatedly? why do i follow the black desires of my heart instead of the glorious lighted path You have set before me? will i ever break the sinful cycle long enough to enjoy You? i am not guaranteed tomorrow, but each night as i lay in bed and say my prayers, i quietly hope i will get another chance, knowing full well i am going to fail You again. by the Grace of God the cycle will begin to crumble. thank you for my sisters in Christ who will be praying for me as i will pray for them.

Proverbs 1:2--study among sisters in Christ


TEACH ME O LORD! i will try to be a student sponge.

Proverbs 1:4--study among sisters in Christ


that was a great verse! it doesn't pertain to me, just matt :) i can't WAIT until tomorrow to tell him how wrong he was at telling me proverbs was to difficult for austin when this very verse tells him to teach his children the proverbs. i love being vindicated, and matt is SO good about agreeing w/my vast knowledge of everything that he will be very apologetic and complacent.

don't worry, i'm back from lala land. yes i have actually been reading the bible chapter and a new verse commentary these past 4 days. as much as my pride prefers to run my life, i am praying it dormant. hasn't worked yet, but God will be on His throne during this and He will get the glory He desires, and i will be made submissive.

love to you both my dear dear sisters in Christ

p.s. praying for good health in stevens house!

Proverbs 1:5--study among sisters in Christ


can someone refer me to a surgeon willing to remove 1 of my 2 mouths and uncover my 2nd missing ear.....cheaply of course, on a tight budget here. :)

dear Heavenly Father, i beg You to give me dumbo-like ears and a mouse-like mouth. i am so wisdom-less and so in need of wisdom-more. i am slowly slipping out of that age when i can claim youth as the excuse for my stupidity, and yet i am sprinting into the age when i should have learned some wisdom by now. and yet, i have not. please help me this coming week with a new mouse sized mouth and dumbo-sized ears that are worthy of hearing Your Word and Truth. again i thank you for my sisters in Christ!

Proverbs 1:6--study among sisters in Christ


ok, ready set GO! bring it on! load me up with all the mysteries of proverbs. challenge me! make me think and dig and pray and investigate and desire and pray some more!!

who was that? was that me? begging for a thinking challenge? i would like to say "i think not", but that would defeat the purpose of this verse :)

dear Lord, You of all people know that i am a lazy thinker. i am a product of mtv, dick & jane books, and cliff notes. i have convinced myself for years that i am not smart naturally, so there is no hope. i have discovered this evening that not only was i intentionally born this way, but it will be only through Your Grace that i can claim any rights to any smarts. and if i can claim the rights to even an ounce of Biblical smarts, i will consider myself far smarter & wiser than i would have ever thought possible. thank you for the opportunity to learn from Your Word and be accountable to my dear loving sisters in Christ....amen

Proverbs 1:7--study among sisters in Christ


don't even know where to begin. i was crying and praying and repenting 1/2 way through the commentary.

i can't think of a more uncomfortable position to be in than to know there is a God, The God, claim to be a christian, and be nearly as blind as unbelievers. all i can do is weep. i am so grateful for His grace and yet so utterly embarrassed. i do not give Him the respect, love and attention He not only deserves, but commands. i am disgusted in myself, saddened by myself, and wrapped up in myself.

Oh God You are my God, i will seek You in the morning, and i will learn to walk in Your ways, so step by step You lead me, and i will follow You all of my days. thank you Rich Mullins for those poignant words, and again dear Heavenly Father I thank you for my sisters in Christ.

Proverbs 1:8--study among sisters in Christ


1st let me start by saying "happy 7 mo. b-day to my beautiful baby boy Justin"

now, if mommy can only become wise thru Gods word, quickly, so that she can raise and rear and teach and lay down the law for her 2 boys before its to late. if God grants me and them another tomorrow, i will try again.

mom, i hope this verse somewhat helped you to realize that altho you can teach your children right from wrong, ultimately they will make their own decision, and reap the consequences of those decisions.

dear Heavenly Father, i ask for you to not only increase my wisdom to make Godly choices, but to help me increase my childrens wisdom so they can do the same (make Godly choices and NOT follow in mommy & daddys footsteps of poor poor decision making). i want tomorrow to be full of wisdom, energy, and insight from You. please continue to help me have a mouse-sized mouth and elephant-sized ears. and again i can't thank You enough for my sisters in Christ.

Proverbs 1:9--study among sisters in Christ


wow, no pressure there! my mind is going in so many directions: how i have failed my children thus far, what i am expected to do as a Godly woman and wife, if God gives me tomorrow its not to late to work on these things, what am i having for breakfast tomorrow, etc. etc

God, i am BEGGING you for another chance to make things right. i want my boys to be adorned in Your Word. i am responsible and i need help. i know that You NEVER give us more than we can handle, and yet my inclination is to make sure You don't by doing very little, if anything. i want to be graced w/wisdom so that i can live it out in my life on a daily basis and impart it to my children. please continue to bless me w/a mouse-sized mouth and elephant-sized ears this week. please wrap Your loving, healing, comforting, reassuring arms around my sister in Christ, karen. the jobs you have given her are not to be taken lightly and are not more than she can bare. she is always there for me w/reassuring words of wisdom from Your Word, so i ask that You help me do the same for her. thank You so much for my sisters in Christ, as we all need each other is some similar ways and some very different ways. In Your sweet & Holy & precious name i pray, AMEN!

Proverbs 1:10--study among sisters in Christ


wow, i see how the family association jumped out at karen. i was thinking of the many times we did, and still do, tippy toe around my dad and josh for the sake of not "making waves". now, it isn't usually over religious issues as it is w/my aunt suzanne/u. mike/ & cousin rose. we want everyone to just get along, and hey, there are all really funny and we love them, so, we sit quietly by. and the years continue to fly by, and the youth continue to get older and harder to reach.........

satan certainly has me figured out, sometimes better than i do. g-ma and i were just talking today about how i was doing this study w/the 2 of you and how i might start reading my way through the Bible, again, the way she does it (John macarthur: read some of proverbs, some of psalms, some of the other old test. and some of the new test., or something along those lines). and she reminded me that some time ago i was going to read my way through the bible, again, by starting at the begin. of the new test. (since starting at the begin. of the old test several times hadn't panned out and we had just been introduced to reformation and such and i had a NEW hunger to study the Word a different way....because this time i really wanted to, again, and it was going to work). and more recently, like a month ago i decided since starting at the beginning of the new test. didn't work, i was going to start reading in revelations because i really didn't understand it but i knew it was very interesting. that lasted the 1st night. you get my drift! this is the longest i have stuck w/something and have really enjoyed it! will enjoy it much more now that karen has returned :)

God PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE take away my sinful tendencies. my tendency to have an elephant-sized mouth and mouse-sized ears, for starters. i want to submit to my husband regardless of my perceived consequences because you are the most perfect husband with the most perfect consequences. i want to teach my children to fear You now so that they will not fear the world later. i want to be a Godly wife that my husband reveres. i want You to get the glory. i want to be Your sheep. thank you for my sisters in Christ and my Godly grandmother.

Proverbs 1:11--study among sisters in Christ


oh how that verse is me from 6th grade thru college (at least!). how badly i wanted to blend in, be in, be better than..., have better stories than...., be more ashamed than...!!!!!! oh woe is me :( i am so sure that i don't want my children "socialized" the way i was that i have to be ever diligent in my praying and teaching and homeschooling and home playing and home dating and home marrying!

dear Heavenly Father, please don't allow my children to be "socialized" by the world but be brought up in the fear of You and the promise and hope that Your Word brings. many many many of my biggest regrets are due to peer pressure and my urge to fit in and be in. i wouldn't wish even one of those regrets on my children. please help me be a Godly wife to matt and a Godly mother to my boys. in YOUR most precious and Holy Name i pray tonight, AMEN!

Proverbs 1:12--study among sisters in Christ


i wanted this passage to speak to me as the others have, ie: pray for my children, pray for my marriage, pray for my walk, etc. however, all i have in my head is "there should be no stays of execution." isn't that silly? i have this whole death sentence argument going on in my head.

dear heavenly Father, please help me stay focused on what is important in each and every verse of Your word. help me to stay on task and not get or feel overwhelmed (when i do, i tend to just shut down and do nothing). thank you for my sisters in Christ and please help me ready my heart and mind for church tomorrow.

Proverbs 1:13--study among sisters in Christ


The devil and his world make tempting offers. They seldom admit they hate God, want to violate His word, and cannot wait for hell. They come as an angel of light and ministers of righteousness telling how to have your cake and eat it too. Satan comes as another Jesus, presenting a popular gospel, and oozing another spirit (II Cor 11:3-4,13-15).

right before i got to this paragraph i was thinking "it sure would be nice if sin were much clearer as it approached so that i could avoid it better." then i read the above paragraph and realized i wasn't being so stupid in my thinking.

"all that glitters is not gold," reminds me of a phrase i once cross-stitched onto a pillow for my fraternal grandmother. brings back fond memories, and yet i will never look on those words the same. (by the way, the saying on the pillow was "all grandmothers are made of gold, but mine glitters." there is some real psycho-analysis that could go on there between those 2 statements and my dads recollection of his mother....but i diverse :)

dear Heavenly Father, please protect my children's influences and decisions. please direct me & my husband in the ways of Your Word. please continue to encourage my sisters in Christ to be faithful in their proverbs study so that we can keep each other accountable and encouraged and sustained in Your Word.

Proverbs 1:14--study among sisters in Christ


hope you gals have enjoyed this as much as i have, it is just what i needed to keep me accountable.

now, on to proverbs: i can only hope and pray that i would be willing to make the decisions and sacrifice's Moses made. i would like to think i can see sin coming a mile away and have no trouble stepping aside when it gets close. oh how i wish.....oh how i pray..........oh how i need to pray more!

dear heavenly Father, please lead me and direct me out of the pathways of sin and carry me down the righteous path. please help mom be comforted and assured in her newest decision. she can not fail if her eyes remain on you. and please help karen decide what the best decision for her and her family will be regarding a commitment she made at church. i know that as they seek your council, they will be at peace with their decisions. in Your pure & sweet & holy name i pray, Amen!

Proverbs 1:15--study among sisters in Christ


Friends are good, if they are good friends; but good friends are only measured by their fear of God and righteous living. Where can you find such friends? In a true church of the Lord Jesus Christ, where the world and all its compromises and inventions are rejected. There the pure truth and wisdom of the apostolic gospel and the inspired scriptures are exalted, defended, and taught boldly and clearly. How do you stand regarding this rule?

this part of the commentary, obviously, was the most uplifting part for me. i know i am in a church that preaches the Word and stands on the Word. just ask austin, he'll tell you "the B I B L E, yes thats the Book for me, i stand alone on the Word of God, the B I B L E. John 17:17, the Bible (which i have tried to tell him is 'Your Word') is truth. THE BIBLE!!!" up to this point i was feeling very sinful and defeated by myself (thank you satan), and again, overwhelmed with the enormity of the commands of God. i was very very very convicted by this commentary. oh how i have turned my head and my back and my life to Him so many times (and that was just today!). i want to live a righteous life so that when someone else reads that verse they will think of me as one to stand near to and not away from. right now, i wouldn't stand near me (not just because i haven't showered today! i probably won't tomorrow either, so Karen, you may want to rethink sitting by me at church.)

dear heavenly Father, please help me recognize sin and sinners and fools and foolishness. help me to avoid these pitfalls so that i can be an example to my children. help me to explain the gravity of bad choices and the glories of righteous ones. please continue to not only convict me but change my behavior. i ask that You give karen a peace about whatever is happening in her life right now that only You can do. please take care of my sisters in Christ, as i lean on them to help me understand and love You more. Amen

Saturday, July 19, 2008

Proverbs 1:19--study among sisters in Christ


i want to be the Godly mother that teaches her stupid birds to be smart with Gods Truth. i want my little boys to watch out for and turn away from the sinners and folly-ers that lurk around every corner. i need Gods wisdom and Grace and divine intervention for this to be possible. i need to fear the Lord first.

dear Lord, tonight has been full of fellowship among several church ladies. i pray that they all turn to You in all that they do and all that they are and all that they need. we all have struggles that only You can divinely conquer for us. please oh please conquer my sinful nature so that i can glorify You and be a light in the darkness.

Proverbs 1:16--study among sisters in Christ


The lesson is simple and weighty. Foolish friends will destroy any man. Therefore, reject all worldly friends for the friends of the king of Zion (Ps 101:1-8; 119:63; 144:11-15).

ok, i have had a bit of a question on my mind for a few verses, but now it seems cut & dry.......are we allowed to have, or associate with intentionally, unbelievers? based on what is written above, i would say 'no'. any help ladies?

Well, since there doesn’t seem to be any way to witness to unbelievers without associating with them in some way, I wouldn’t interpret it that strictly. However, when it comes to people we associate with intentionally (not like at work and others we HAVE to associate with), our real friends, people we WANT20to be with, that should be believers, I think. It’s far too easy to be drawn into the ungodly behavior of ones we associate closely with. Sin is always lurking, waiting for that opportunity, and we must be ever vigilant to not let it enter. It’s hard to have a really close relationship with someone who is not a believer, your views on just about everything will conflict. So I suppose our relationships with all unbelievers should be evangelistic in nature. (not that I live that one!) But I have to say, everyone I intentionally spend time with is a believer. The circle is pretty small!--Paula

I agree with what your Mom said, Candace. I would have typed basically the same thing. We can't not associate, at least some, with unbelievers. I have some in my family! -Karen

Proverbs 1:18--study among sisters in Christ


again i sit here in tears and don't know
if its because i am more sinful some days than others, or more remorseful some days than others, or maybe both. if i could even begin to remember all those who i need to ask forgiveness for murdering, i wouldn't ever make it out of prayer. i am so disgusted and saddened by a lot of my past behavior, and i remember being taught how wrong a lot of it was and not to make the same mistakes as so-n-so, and yet i am the very sinner Solomon was warning his son of. i chose the wrong path many many times, knowing it was the wrong path. the thrill of the sin was more powerful than the promise from Heaven. how sad i was, i am, i continue to be. sad in my sinful nature, sad that i even consider for a second to choose satan over God. occasionally i have thought "this is easy, i want God to win over satan, so that is how i will make my choices," and yet i do not, and i do not, and i do not. what a disappointment i was to my parents and grandparents and "friends," and what a disappointment i am for my husband. i can only pray to be a better person tomorrow if God grants me another day, and not go to my grave as a disappointment to my children. oh how the tears flow, and the remorse so powerful an emotion, and yet i am certain i will be in this position again very soon, asking for forgiveness once again.

Dear Heavenly Father, i can hardly see the keyboard to write this prayer through my tear covered face. but, here i am again to ask You, once again, to forgive me for not loving You the way You love me. thank Heaven for Your Grace, or i would walk around like this all the time, a basket case. i don't know why i have been chosen, but i can only thank you today and ask for Your help in another tomorrow. if i have ever forgotten to mention any one or any incident where i have murdered someone in ANY WAY, PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE forgive me and give me a chance to repent. i know the path i am to walk every day, so please give me the strength and wisdom to do so.
please continue to lead mom and karen in their decisions, and help me to love them the way You love us...my dearest sisters in Christ!

Proverbs 1:17--study among sisters in Christ


Proverbs 1:17 wow. i feel like i am (or certainly was some years ago) the sinner Solomon writes about to avoid. my unbelieving friends didn't need to talk me into much, i was looking for things to be talked into. i hope and pray i remember this very powerful proverb while i try and try to train and teach my children how painful sinning is.

dear Lord, please remember me, Your sinful servant, as i shepherd my boys lives. i pray that they see past their sinful mother and right into Your Truth. i ask that You continue to be w/mom as she embarks on a new path within our church. i also ask that You wrap Your loving arms around karen each and every day as i would if i could. my arms would only be human comfort while Yours are full of Heaven! All glory to You Dear God!!!!

Friday, July 18, 2008

this is a first for the Bauer family...A BLOG!