Proverbs 31:16
She considereth a field, and buyeth it: with the fruit of her hands she planteth a vineyard.
Christianity does not teach women to be ignorant homebodies. The virtuous woman worked outside the home. She first provided for her husband and children (31:10-12,27-28). She knew "keepers at home" (Tit 2:5) condemned any idleness and sinful habits of foolish women; it did not mean staying home all day (I Tim 5:13-14). She put the LORD first, her husband second, family third, and businesses fourth. Her husband and children will praise her, not for being home all day, but for helping build the family estate.
Just when I begin to think evereything is black & white, here comes the grey! Black & white: if you are a mother, then you should stay home w/your children if at all possible. Grey: Proverbs 31:16. God is not the author of confusion, so I must be letting the author of confusion enter my thoughts periodically. Cure? Read the bible MORE! Pray MORE! Study MORE! Judge LESS! Assume NOTHING! Presume NOTHING! Got to sleep earlier! :)
The 'Farm' Project
16 years ago
Well, as someone recently posted on their blog -- being a wife and mother is not the highest calling of a woman. I had to stop and think about that one myself. The highest calling of anyone -- man or woman -- is being a child of God and living solely for His glory. Anything beyond that is up to that Christian and God alone. We must be careful not to assume a woman's salvation. If she's not saved and has children, then she may not feel that her place is in the home. We can't hold non-Christians to a Godly lifestyle. But we also can't assume that just because a Christian woman has a family, that she isn't called to work outside the home. Good post, Candace! (Wondering why the detour, though....)
If you read the same blog entry that I did that talked about a wife and mother not being our highest calling, which I assume that you did, that was the reason for the detour.
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