Justin at 7.5 months

Justin at 7.5 months
his first pontoon boat ride

Austin at 1 year

Austin at 1 year
when dandelion seeds are still cute

Wednesday, November 12, 2008

Its MOMMY official!

Justin is finally crawling on all 4's. I mentioned in an earlier post that nursery workers at church had seen him do it. However, I had not. Late this afternoon that all changed. I suspected he was based on where I would see him 1 minute and where he was ending up, still on all 4's. But when grandma Paula came over for a surprise visit, she and I witnessed it together! Funny thing tho, I took him to the Dr. yesterday, turns out he had a sinus infection and they put him on antibiotics, and they asked me if he was crawling and I said no. Question is, where do we go from here? He has been pulling up to his knees for a couple of months. He never did the army crawl (neither did Austin), just rolled around a lot. Today he was sliding off the couch feet first, so I just let him go to see what he would do. He landed on his feet, stood there, and then kept pushing himself backwards until 1 push too many landed him on his backside. They grow up so fast! Now, about the talking. By the time Austin was 1 he could say many single words and say 2 word sentences: 'hi mommy, bye daddy, hi puppy," etc. So far Justin still only says mama & dada and lots of babbling. On request, he can wave hi and bye, growl or grunt in chorus to you, head butt, give kisses, and "get you" which means steer clear because he gets his mini claws out and goes for whatever on you he can grab/scratch. I'm in no hurry, I love him still being a baby, albeit not for long.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

It was very exciting for Grandma to see Justin's first "official" crawl!