Justin at 7.5 months

Justin at 7.5 months
his first pontoon boat ride

Austin at 1 year

Austin at 1 year
when dandelion seeds are still cute

Tuesday, March 10, 2009

Well 'Boy's' visit.....

Both boys had a well check up today, Justin, at 15 months and Austin at 34 months. Justin was almost 24# and 32" while Austin was 33# and 38". Last well-check was last May, and Justin was 17# and 26" and Austin was 29.5# and 35.5". Don't know where they are in percentiles, Doc didn't say. Embarrassing to say Justin isn't really walking or talking yet (not the way they asked it anyway), where Austin was saying 2 word sentences at 1 and walked at 13 months. Was HAPPY to say Austin is potty-trained. Poor Austin had shots in both thighs, now he is on his death bed. Not really, but I am hardly exaggerating his whining, crying, unable to walk or sit up or lay down, etc. etc. Matt vividly remembers those thigh shots, I do not.

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